Class Spring 2018
Within the last 7 weeks a had the great opportunity to start the complementary study program Technology Management at the Center for Digital Technology and Management, also known as CDTM. As it is a add-on program it is not a standalone Master or Bachelor degree, but called an Honor’s Degree. The overall program is heavily shaped by the 3 core models Trend Seminar, Managing Product Developments and Entrepreneurship Lab. The foto above is my amazing class Spring 2018!
In this 7 weeks, where I had the great opportunity to work in teams together with other very motivated and talented students, we went through 3 phases with a project partner. Our project partner was Siemens AI Labs, which was interest in the topic “Digital Companions in the Factory of the Future”. Our final outcome will be a published and printed trend report about this topic that includes our work form 3 phases. In the basic phase we researched and identified the most important trends ongoing and their drivers in the dimensions politics, ecology, legal and society, technology, economy and business models. In the second phase we derived based on the two most significant and uncertain drivers a scenario matrix displaying four possible extreme case scenarios and described how the future could develop in 20 years. Based on the baseline knowledge of the 2 previous phases we came up with possible business models of the future for our project partner in the final ideation phase.
My first "pitchy" presentation
The trend seminar ended with our final presentations at the co-working space “Mindspace” where Siemens AI Labs is located. We pitched our final business models in front of an audience of about ~80 interested people. It’s been really some intense weeks (with me saying that coming from consulting), but it was really fun spending time and effort if you work with the right team. I personally feel, that I learned a lot during this period. In particular, I got a broad (it almost feels extensive) overview about recent hot topics and trends, I deepened my knowledge about Artificial Intelligence beyond the technical challenges to for example social adoption and also I feel that I improved my project management skills.
The project my team pitched was QUALIT. The idea was creating a quality inspection data platform that connects B2B supplier and purchaser and introduces automated quality inspection. Doing so the platform hopes to solve the problem of redundant quality control and improves overall quality. Here is a glimpse of on what we worked on.